Curated by Dia Al-Azzawi and Charles Pocock, the Art in Iraq Today exhibition series brought together a group of Iraqi artists, with varying working methodologies, whom are united in their experience of exile. Having spent their formative years as artists in Iraq, this collection documents their continuing contribution to Iraqi art. The exhibition and supporting publication is dedicated to the memory of pre-eminent art critic Jabra Ibrahim Jabra and his seminal essays titled ‘Art in Iraq To-day.’ Although the artists examined here are now part of the Iraqi diaspora, their work demonstrates the enduring talent of two generations of artists whose work represents Iraqi art today.
Book launches for the exhibition's supporting publication Art in Iraq Today (published by Skira and Meem Editions, 2011) were held at Abu Dhabi Art (2011), Sotheby's, London (2012), and by the book's sponsor Crescent Petroleum, Hyatt Hotel, Dubai (2012). A panel discussion relating to the project, titled The Legacy of Iraqi Art, was held at Abu Dhabi Art 2011 with speakers including Dia Al-Azzawi, Nedim Kufi and Mahmoud Obaidi, moderated by Dr Nada Shabout (Associate Professor of Art HIstory, University of North Texas).
ArtistsModhir Ahmed, Dia Al-Azzawi, Himat M. Ali, Ahmed Al-Bahrani, Amar Dawod, Ghassan Ghaib, Ali Jabbar, Halim Al-Karim, Nedim Kufi, Hanaa Malallah, Rafa Al-Nasiri, Mahmoud Obaidi, Kareem Risan, Delair Shaker, Ali Talib, and Nazar Yahya.
ExhibitionsArt in Iraq Today (Parts I- V)
Part I, October 2010 – Modhir Ahmed, Hanaa Malallah, Nedim Kufi
Part II, November 2010 – Ghassan Ghaib, Kareem Risan, Nazar Yahya
Part III, February 2011 – Himat M. Ali, Amar Dawod, Delair Shaker
Part IV, March 2011 – Dia Al-Azzawi, Rafa Ali-Nasiri, Ali Talib
Part V, May 2011 – Ali Jabbar, Halim Al-Karim, Mahmoud Obaidi
13 November – 3 December: Art in Iraq Today: Conclusion Show and Book Launch, Meem Gallery
16 November : Book Launch, Abu Dhabi Art
23 November: Group Exhibition and Book Launch, Beirut Exhibition Centre
For further information and press enquiries, please contact:
Samar Faruqi
For image enquiries, please contact:
Noura Haggag