Art in Iraq Today
(published by Skira and Meem Editions, sponsored by Crescent Petroleum)
Modhir Ahmed, Himat M. Ali, Dia Al-Azzawi, Ahmed Al-Bahrani, Amar Dawod, Samar Faruqi, Ghassan Ghaib, Ali Jabbar, Halim Al-Karim, Nedim Kufi, Hanaa Malallah, May Muzaffar, Rafa Al-Nasiri, Mahmoud Obaidi, Charles Pocock, Georges H. Rabbath, Kareem Risan, Nada Shabout, Delair Shaker, Ali Talib, Nazar Yahya and Farouk Yousif.
Dia Al-Azzawi
Charles Pocock
Absence and Presence in the Work of Three Iraqi Artists: Modhir Ahmed, Nedim Kufi and Hanaa Malallah
May Muzaffar
Painters of Critical Moments: Ghassan Ghaib, Kareem Risan and Nazar Yahya
Farouk Yousif
In Lieu of the Sublime: Himat M. Ali, Amar Dawod and Delair Shaker
Nada M. Shabout
Reconfiguring Identity in Modern Iraqi Art: Dia Al-Azzawi, Rafa Al-Nasiri and Ali Talib
Samar Faruqi
The Conceptual Displacement of Place: Ali Jabbar, Halim Al-Karim and Mahmoud Obaidi
G.H. Rabbath
'Art as a Psychological Outlet': Expatriation and the Work of Contemporary Iraqi Artists
Samar Faruqi
Artist Statements
Artist Exhibitions
Further Reading
Publication Specifications
Hardcover + jacket
424 pages
llustrated throughout
Published by Skira and Meem Gallery
Language: Arabic/English
Dimensions: 28 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-88-572-1157-2
€ 68; $ 85
Book launches were held at Abu Dhabi Art (2011), Sotheby's London (2012), and by the book's sponsor Crescent Petroleum, Hyyat Hotel, Dubai (2012). A panel discussion relating to the project, titled The Legacy of Iraqi Art , was held before the Abu Dhabi book launch with speakers including Dia Al-Azzawi, Nedim Kufi and Mahmoud Obaidi, moderated by Dr Nada Shabout (Associate Professor of Art History, University of North Texas).